
Future Model

VIP Photos


Vip Photos


Future Model


Portugal | Agent: DIVACITY

Looking for a plausible enough reason to live, a purpose in life, I am not satisfied with small goals, I always kept in my heart the feeling of one day wanting to make a difference, of being valued, of being able to be independent and of being able to say that the merit was all mine, but on the outside its like I was adrift in my life, which was always very disconcerting, as I got older and mature I began to gain resilience, express my opinion, not tolerate being stepped on by anyone nor living in someone elses shadow, smoothing over edges and setting goals, go big or go home they say, which for me fits like a glove, if Im here to live, let it be serious from now on, let it be to show my courage and determination, let it be worth it until my last day without regrets and say that at least I tried to fight for my goals to the limit. Nice to meet you, My name is Feisty
Change language: ES | EN | PT


Height (cm): 159 | Measures: | Shoe: 36 | Pants: 32 | Shirt: XS | Bras: 32B | Eye color: Light Brown | Skin color: White | Hair color: Light Brown | Hair type: Wavy | Tattoos: Yes



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  • For professional contact use my form. For personal contact send a gift because talking takes time and sometimes there are no benefits. Do not confuse this with 'something else', but if you have interest send a gift and guarantee my investment of time. I will see your contact details.



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Be diva you too!