
Modelo Iniciante

Fotos VIP


Fotos Vip


Modelo Iniciante


Nigeria | Agente: Freelance

I have taken different courses and practices on modeling. I have walked a local fashion show. I have knowledge about styling, sewing and make up. I am photogenic and maintain simple poses. My ultimate goal is to gain more experience as a model and to also build my portfolio. My goal is to also walk the runway regardless of my height as it has always been my dream. I have a very fulfilling feeling about what I have been able to accomplish in my life so far. I want the absolute best for myself and those close to me. I often go above and beyond to help those around me succeed and be the best version of themselves that they can possibly be.
Alterar idioma: ES | EN | PT


Altura (cm): 171 | Corpo: 5625 | Sapato: 37 | Calça: Size4 | Camisa: Size4 | Sutiã: 38B | Olhos: Marrom Escuro | Pele: Morena | Cabelo (cor): Preto | Cabelo (tipo): Cacheado | Tatuagens: No



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  • Para contato profissional, use meu formulário. Para contato pessoal, envie um presente porque conversar leva tempo e, às vezes, não há benefícios. Não confunda isso com 'outra coisa', mas se tiver interesse envie um presente e garanta meu investimento de tempo. Eu vou ver seus detalhes de contato.


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